Is Christian Music “Safe”?

One of the local stations here in Atlanta once ran an ad campaign (no idea if they still do) claiming to be “safe” for the whole family. I have to say, such a term applied to Christianity really gives me pause. Now, I understand why the station does this- it’s a marketing move to attract families that don’t want to hear the worldly music and foul language/situations found in secular music. That actually is a fine goal, but I wish it weren’t tied to the notion of being a Christian.

I have two issues with deeming Christian music “safe”. The first is that it simply isn’t. Singing about spiritual matters does not automatically put a song into a category that requires no discernment, though that’s what calling it “safe” implies. Unless there are trustworthy gatekeepers guarding the music that gets put out in the name of Jesus, we are talking about the HIGHEST potential for danger there is if we do not approach the music with discernment. When it comes to the topics of the world: dating, sexuality, greed, idolatry, fun, politics, etc. there are a wide array of good and bad topics, but at the least we know we have to listen with a discerning ear. But music about God- that seems to be the MOST dangerous of all topics if bad theology or unloving attitudes get baked into the music. And is the record company primarily motivated by good discernment of what is spiritually good? Are the radio stations? I have no doubt that there are many good Christian individuals working in these places, but at the end of the day, spirituality is a dangerous subject that requires discernment, and the record companies are always going to print what sells- that’s what they do.

So I think it isn’t “safe” to just tune out when a Christian song comes on- in fact, this might be the place where we need to pay attention the most. In the music of the world it can be easy to spot the lies, but with music about God, how easy is it for something to slip in that we don’t even realize because of all the good stuff that’s also there (like, for example, say a modalistic view of the Trinity)? I’m not suggesting that Christian artists are nefarious and trying to lead us down the wrong paths, but by in large music is a young person’s game, so we aren’t hearing content developed by mature, weathered Christians (this is true of my own music as well) and there’s no one really guarding the spiritual core of what is CCM. So I think it would be very dangerous to turn off our sense of discernment just because some song plays on Christian radio.

The second issue I have with labeling Christian music as “safe” as that it creates a very dim view of what Christianity is. It paints a picture of a way of being that is much like the world, only with the edges softened. Christian music is the diet version of what the world has to offer- it might not taste as good, but at least it won’t kill you. This can be an easy perception for people to gain of Christianity in general, and largely because a lot of Christians live this way. We are the same as everyone else, but there are lists of things we don’t do that the “pagans” do. We are just the fat free version of the world. Does that sound like a great testimony?

But this is not the New Testament view of what being a Christian is. We are salt and light. We shine in the darkness, preserve the truth, and agitate when that is what it takes to do God’s work. I am not my unchristian neighbor with the edges filed off- I am a whole new creation, dangerous to those who serve evil and empowered by the Creator of the universe. There is nothing “light” or “safe” about me.

Now I don’t want to be overly critical here. I get what Christian stations are trying to do, and I understand they are trying to appeal to families with children who just don’t want to hear the garbage on the radio that leads to uncomfortable questions and conversations. As much as I understand that, though, I think it is super important we don’t get lulled into the idea that what we do with faith is in any way “safe”. When we get faith wrong, people get hurt- badly. When we accept lies and are not properly discerning, we can become dangerous and hindering to the faith of others. Spiritual abuse is a real thing and VERY damaging, and I believe it starts with people accepting and not questioning- a lack of discernment. My goals is not to be a “safe” Christian who participates in a “safe” bubbled subculture, but one who the darkness fears to see coming because it knows I come with the power and wisdom of the Holy Spirit- and that I’m not afraid to use these things. We may strive to be a lot of things as people of faith, but let’s not make “safe” be one of them.